Festival of Architecture 2016 - Invitation to a Workshop
Added on 13 May 2013
Thursday 16 May 2013, 2pm -4.30pm
Netley Centre, 1 Bishops Road, Inverness
The Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland is planning a nationwide festival of architecture and the built environment for 2016. The aim is to transform our relationship with architecture, to ensure it is better understood and appreciated. RIAS is seeking the views of people from across Scotland on how it may best achieve this goal and how people might like to participate. If you would like to contribute to this discussion RIAS would be glad to hear from you. The first of a series of workshops across Scotland is one way to get in touch, and this is to be held at the Netley Centre at the Highland Hospice, 1 Bishops Road, Inverness IV3 5SB, from 2pm to 4.30 on Thursday 16 May 2013.
The call for papers which relates to the workshop – with the ambitious intent to ‘transform our relationship with architecture and the built environment’ can be seen.
If you can come along, please register your attendance with Eventbrite by clicking on the the link here
Alternatively, if you would like to hear more about the event as it develops, please let RIAS have your email address in order to receive an eBulletin to keep you informed. Send it to Debbie Mays at The Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland, at dmays@rias.org.uk . RIAS will not use your address for any other purpose or share it with any other organisation or individual.
The event is organised by the RIAS on behalf of the Festival Forum. The RIAS was founded in 1916 as the professional body for all chartered architects in Scotland and is the foremost architectural institute in the country dealing with architecture and the built environment. The event is supported by the Scottish Government.